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Mindi Lawson
Mindi Lawson
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 479-968-1420

My husband, Jeremy, and I have been married 17 years, and we have a son, Tucker, who is in 7th grade at VCS.  They are my favorite people and I love doing life with them!

Christian education is very important to our family and I am blessed to be able to work at the school my son attends. 

My first career of 20 years was spent as a Wildlife Biologist for the US Forest Service and US Fish and Wildlife Service.  One of my favorite job duties was public outreach which included working with school groups of all ages.  Kids just keep it real!  I was so excited when the Lord opened up an opportunity for me to essentially retire early from that job and join the VCS family.  Being here for my son and all the students on a daily basis has been such a wonderful change for me and my family. 

My favorite Bible Verse is:
1Peter 5:7 "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you."
To get my day started I drink:
Water and sometimes coffee
When I want to treat myself I:
take some time to go flea marketing!
When I have free time I...
Can usually be found working in my flowers, on a craft project, or fishing. 
If I pick the restaurant we are going to:
Pasta Grill or Texas Roadhouse
My favorite season is:
My favorite color is: